Monday 29 April 2013

Getting Adjusted

I’m still alive. Always good, and often a surprise.
I woke up and everything was freezing, like I gone to sleep in the room where they make the liquid nitrogen. That’s probably why I woke up, come to think of it. The fire had died down to dark coal, not even embers. I carefully poked at it, in the hope of getting it rekindled. While the coals were still a little warm, blowing on them did nothing to reignite them. Time to move on, then. I took a sheet and placed the coals in a sort of tied bag I made out of it, before hanging it around my neck so that the skin could get some of the leftover warmth. Then I extracted stolen clothes and blankets from the pile and tried to wear as much as humanly possible. I look absolutely ridiculous, and there’s no gloves, so my fingers and toes are blue and red and possibly in danger of frostbite, but on the other hand, I don’t think I’m at the ‘freezing to death’ stage so that’s good.

I think I’m getting the knack of navigating the place. The trick is not to have a specific location in mind, since the architecture will conspire to see you never get there. You just keep moving with no particular destination until you come to a place that happens to have the objects you want in it. It’s a tricky mental balancing act; putting something out of mind isn’t exactly easy, but do it too far and you’ll forget what you came for. It also looks like the Loop has to work with what’s in it; rooms can be distorted or duplicated or have their layout in relation to each other changed, but they all are recognizably from the hospital. I haven’t seen any palmy beaches in here yet, for example.

Using this technique, in fits and starts I managed to check all the exits. By this point the amount of items I had collected like a one woman katamari was getting beyond carrying capacity, so I tied it all in a bundle with one of the blankets and used a wheelchair as a pushcart. Each exit exhibited exactly the same behaviour as the lobby had. In the spirit of curiosity I threw something, I think it might have been a paperweight, through one of them. It bounced into the room beyond, and when I turned it was also lying innocently behind me as if it had always been there, despite the fact that I’d seen no movement on this side. I took a plaster from a first aid kit and stuck it on the side of the doorframe facing me. Then I stepped through and turned around. There was the plaster, and when I felt around on the other side of the doorway it was there as well.

Deciding that I liked this new glitch of reality and its possibility for duplicating objects, I dropped a chocolate bar just on the other side of the door and then turned around, before quickly looking back. Sure enough, there was a mirror image. I tried to pick both bars up.

I think I might have blacked out for a bit, since I woke up on the floor shivering with a massive headache. Still, I tried again. No luck. Now, whenever I placed and item on the other side, as soon as I observed the duplicate the original disappeared with no fanfare. Disappointed, I moved on again.

On Tilde’s advice, I smashed one of the windows. Nothing out of the unexpected happened, no alarms blaring, no sudden rush of vacuum. I cleared the rest of the glass from the frame and stuck my head out. I looked up, down and around at the endless blackness, dropped a shard of glass to watch it dwindle into nothing, and decided I wanted none of that.

There was a particularly disturbing incident that occurred during all this exploration. I opened a door to find, well, myself. It was definitely me, expect a little more hollow cheekboned, having messier hair and with trenches under her eyes. She was holding a bleeding upper arm as well as a bloodied fire axe, had several cuts and gashes, her ears were ragged and torn, and blood was running down her face, with one of her eyes screwed shut. The open one widened in surprise. We stood there just looking at each other for a second. She opened her mouth, closed it, shrugged, and then said “Risperidone. Five right, three down, start slow.”

I was framing the first syllable of “What?” when there was a yell and a thunk as something hit a wall I couldn’t see next to the other me.

“Shit!” She half turned a little, then paused. “Oh, so that’s what that was. Gotta go!” Then she unceremoniously slammed the door in my face. I just stared at it for quite a length of time. When I’d worked myself up enough to open it again, there was nothing but an ordinary room on the other side.

So that happened. I'm now holed up in a similar 'base', this time in a room without windows.



    This may sound crazy, but have you tried setting fire to the place?

    1. I would gladly torch the place to the ground if I was sure I wouldn't be in it while it collapsed.

      *reads article* Oh, this doesn't bode well.

  2. Wow. You sound pretty... fucked. If you are lucky, that was just a manifestation of your fears but it sounded more like a time loop.

    What a horrible thing to glimpse from your own future.

  3. ............oh that sounds fun.
    Be careful, Med. Be really careful.


  4. I think you should try meditation to be honest. I usually black out in loops, but when I don't usually some concentration helps.

    Here use this:

    You're not going to be able to use all of it, but try and focus. If you can relax and find some peace, it shouldn't be too hard to break out of this thing. Remember, part of you is doing this. The Slenderman is manipulating you to create this reality, so theoretically you should be focussing on a way to block him out.

    Keep it together and try not to die.

  5. Problem is, we don't know if it's Slendy doing this. It could very well be The Cold Boy that is fucking around here, most major factors of that, are the freezing cold temperature, and the child whispers that Med experienced earlier. Or it could be both, or something completely different.

    I do agree with Yoga though, while it may not prove to be successful in getting you out, it is scientifically proven, that Yoga actually warms a body up from the inside.

    This is fascinating, so apparently this is not a simple loop, its a time loop, since you probably just saw into the future, which means you're not alone in that hospital, and I do not mean the Fears. You could clearly hear a scream and someone getting slammed into a wall. If we are to believe this, then this isn't the Cold Boy's doing, because if you meet someone in that hospital, you have company, thus you are not alone.

    So you are stuck in the wast nothingness, have you tried going for the roof? We all babble about exits, but if this place makes no sense, then we have to think in a different direction, so if the exit is down in our world, then it may be up in that loop. So yeah, try the roof access, if the hospital has one, it should.

    Also, one thing to do in a loop, is to not follow the rules. We saw into your future (Presumably). It is obvious that you get fucked up and actually meet someone, or you meet someone and then get fucked up. So do the complete opposite of what you would do when you meet the person. So maybe, try and avoid meeting the person? Yeah sounds like a stupid idea, but hey, it's a loop.

    What else? Try the basement I guess? Nothing else.

    1. Knowing that there will eventually be a point where I'm not alone in here is one of few little threads of hope that are keeping me going right now.

      I had a look at the yoga. I've tried meditation previously, before I got in this situation, but it didn't work too well. Sitting still is hard for me; I've always got to be *doing* something, even if it's nothing useful. Still, I'll give it a shot when I get to the next 'safe' room.

      Before that though, the roof and basement, you say? I think the basement is mainly underground parking, but it can't hurt to check it out...

      I have no idea what might be causing this Loop either. At first I thought it was Slenderman's doing; Fracture bringing up the Cold Boy was a bit of a blindsider. And... Doc Annalee might be right, I think part of the problem might be me.

      >: D Of course I'm not going to do what the time loop says if it means me getting injured! Problem is, it gave so little information as to how I got in that state; I might inadvertantly cause it by trying to avoid it. I know the bloody axe means I must have attacked someone... maybe they retaliated or maybe it was in self defense... auuugh, I don't know.

  6. Go looking for the fucking Risperidone. How much you want to bet there's something the fuck else you wanted you to find?

    1. Got the Risperidone. It was on a shelf in the hospital's on site pharmacy. The one five right and three down. I picked up a torch and some more food on the way; I'm not sure if that's the sort of thing you meant. Now that I have it, though, I have no idea what to do with it. Sure don't want to use it, at least, having read that list of side effects. I'll hang on to it for now.

      Had a look at some of the other drugs. None of them are very useful, but I took some painkillers anyway since I can literally foresee a lot of pain in my future.

  7. That 'future you' wasn't warning you off of whatever had gotten her there. Pretty much the opposite, in fact.

    So, you have a decision to make. Do you trust that this really is future you and go follow her suggestion? This is a Loop, after all. That may have just been a trick or an illusion. You should give it some thought.

    1. If that was a future her, was it not warning her off of her of her choices because she found them necessary or was she not doing it because she was so beaten up to shit and crazy that nothing came to mind?

    2. I severely regret not previously coming up with a time travelling code phrase right now.

      I have no idea whether it's an illusion or not, but I'm going to play on the safe side and prepare like it's a real time loop. That said, I'm not going to use the Risperidone just because I told me to.

    3. You didn't tell you to use it specifically, just to get it. Maybe you're going to need it for something or someone else?
