Saturday 9 February 2013

Vandalism: Round 1 Aftermath

Now I know there's Proxies in the area, I've been busy taking precautions against them.

The first thing I did when I was able to get up and walk without reeling and leaning on the nearest object was return to the old warehouse with a rag and a water bottle to clean off the symbol. No unauthorized memetic hazards allowed in this city on my watch! You have to fill out a form for that sort of thing. Signed by me. In triplicate. One to me, one to your immediate superior, one you keep, maybe on some kind of spike.

Sorry… got sidetracked again. This time, I checked to make sure no one was nearby before I went over to the mark. I’ve learned that particular lesson. My bike, needless to say, was gone. Probably taken by some lucky opportunistic passerby. I guess I’m walking everywhere from now on.

During my couch ridden state I took the opportunity to review some of Experiment #1’s video footage. Nothing definitive in terms of Slenderman sightings yet, but eight days is hardly enough time for that. What annoys me is that some of the symbols have been tampered with; the duct tape has been stripped off the covered ones and all but two of the uncovered ones have scratches in them. Unsurprisingly, the Operator symbol and Setoth’s symbol were the intact ones. Rewinding the footage just shows someone in a dark grey hoody with an orange box cutter, not enough of their face showing for me to know if he or she is one of the ones from earlier, or someone new.

(If I have to make a guess though, I’d say it’s Smugface at the very least. Bailey’s wounds are not the kind of thing that would heal in this period of time, unless he has a mysterious Proxy healing factor in which case all bets are off.)

What this implies is that Proxies either read my blog or just happened to come across one symbol (and I hid them pretty effectively) and deduced there were others. Which means I’m going to have to be more careful with the information I post here from now on.

In any case, I’m going to leave those symbols up to see if the damage has any effect on them and create a new set. Now that I know people will be looking for them to further mess with the validity of the experiment, I can keep that in mind with regards to where I place them.

No clues for you, I’m afraid, if you happen to be reading this. I’m not making it any easier for you than I have to.

I’m currently gathering supplies for Experiment #2. I should be able to have them within the week if I’m lucky, the month if I’m not. Speaking of, if anyone has any azoth, aka ‘that disgusting black gunk people throw up sometimes’, I’m also looking for that in addition to Proxy blood. I’m steadily chewing my way through the many, many blogs, but that’s going to take even longer.


EDIT: Oh god, just started reading Zero's blog. Everyone was so... hopeful, then. I just...


S'funny. Read through numerous tales of despair and woe, but the one that really cuts to the heart is the one where there was hope. Because it wasn't enough. Makes me start to reconsider just what I'm hoping to achieve here.

There's so many things happened since not three years ago. I was alive then. These things were happening and I had no clue. I could have helped. Reading these blogs, I want to help. But the past is another country with closed borders, and besides, the men are dead.

...shit, I'm crying.

Med out.


  1. Well. I'm not dead, if it helps.

    Sorry to keep butting in, but this is something I've had a lot of thought on, myself.

    Don't bother crying for what Zero failed to do. Or what we failed to do...I only became involved a little before Zero died. I know how it feels to wish you were there.

    Even if we both were, I'm not sure we could've done anything. That was his story. In a way, he brought it to his own conclusion. I like to think, though, that for all the things that went wrong, he did leave us with a kind of hope. The understanding that when our lives are on the line, our decisions matter more than ever. He taught me that just because a fight can't be won, doesn't mean it's meaningless to fight it.

    Even if I die, I don't intend to vanish. I've done my fair share for the people in our situation. There was meaning in that struggle. It's important to remember that the past is the past. What matters is the future. Our future.

    ...Oh, but that was hypothetical. I don't intend to lose. Those bastards have killed too many of my friends for me to ever forgive them. This is a fight I want to win, no matter what.

    As for you, Med...Don't feel like you have to do anything other than survive. You may have been alive when Zero was fighting, when Elaine was, but don't feel guilty about not being involved. I'd start missing those days, myself.

    ...ASDFHGHF BLARG BLARG BLARG. There, stopped things from getting too serious and mopey. Geez, what do I think I am, a shrink? Stay intact.

    1. Heh. Keep butting in as much as you like, Konaa, I don't mind. Thanks.

      If even a little of the things we do make it easier for those who come after us, then it's a success. That's all that can be hoped for really.

      Sorry about moping, I'm fine now. ^^
