Tuesday 20 August 2013

The House of the Lost: Part One

“…but antibodies are powerful - no one should forget that. Every antibody therapy has a small but real risk of setting off something terrible, and if you're targeting the immune response itself, well, the risk just goes up. The immune system is a bit like demonology: don't call anything up that you don't know how to send back down.”

A lesson I should have kept in mind before trying my own hand at it; I could have saved myself a lot of pain.

I'm alive. I've been awake for five days. I should have made this post earlier, and I have no real reason for not doing so other than I've been recovering from feeling like I'd been doused in gasoline and set on fire, and the shakes, and the vicious migraine and that it just didn't seem important, somehow. None of this did.

Now I think of it, it's a little worrying.

Black is doing well. I found him asleep in the hot water cupboard, probably in order to avoid Fracture and Veigar. I think he was the one that pulled me out of the freezer and put me on the couch, but I can't be sure since memory gets hazy about that point. I don't remember ever asking Veigar for help for example, even though it clearly and oddly happened, so you can imagine my surprise at seeing him upon waking.

He left shortly afterwards, since wherever he was in the house I got that prickly feeling of invaded personal space. I was unable to repay him. Thank you for reminding me of the significantly larger amount of funding Proxies get. I'm still not entirely sure how you knew where my house was. Don't just say 'files': the information in them comes from somewhere. Fracture, maybe? The Librarians? Strider?

It doesn't matter, I suppose. I still owe you for, if not saving my life than at least not letting me choke on my own vomit.

I died. I met the Contessa, and well, she did say that was a prerequisite.

The last thing I remember was lying on the floor, in a pool of blood and azoth and saliva, staring at nothing in particular with burning bones and absolute blinding pain everywhere, and the only thought in my head, going around and around, being I want to die I want to die I want to die. It was the only one there was space for, in that condition.

And then suddenly, I was in a chair. It's incredibly jarring, going from being as sick as a dog to absolutely fine in the space of less than a second, so you can understand I was a bit disoriented. The room I was in was unfamiliar, filled with chairs and drawers and a wardrobe. Mirrors, cracked and uncracked. A clear plastic ceiling, grapevines running up and over it and blocking all light but green. Sundry bric a brac, including in its number painted plates both license and ceramic, mismatched electronics, a Remington typewriter and a disturbing gnome. There was a thick layer of dust over everything. Nothing metal within reach.

More notable were the stuffed animals. Various species, extant and extinct, they were perched everywhere, positioned so as to see everything in the room. Out of the corner of my eye I swear they moved. Three were on the table I was sitting at, a spider, rat and koala. They were wearing bibs.

"Hi!" said the girl in front of me, and she looked perfectly like a young girl pouring tea. There was a scent about her, of dust and the smell of antiques, which made sense considering the surroundings, and nostalgia, which did not. Multiple times I'd catch myself thinking of the past more than should be usual, and would have to manually snap back into focus. Her eyes and hair were mine, giving her a slight air of 'little sister you never had' and she wore an elaborately frilly white dress which had its effect somewhat ruined by differently colored belts and loops of string and chain strung around her like tinsel, hung with things ranging from paperclips to an actual gemstone. I kept looking at a certain familiar flash drive hanging from the belt around her waist like a carabina.

"...hi? Who are you," I said. I'd guessed, but I wasn't sure.

"I'm the Contessa, silly! Can't you tell?" Does it say something that my first thought at this revelation was something along the lines of 'Oh, hell.'?

"Sorry, it can be hard to tell what someone looks like through text." 

"That's okay. Used to be lots of people didn't know who I was when they got here. How do you like your tea, by the way?"

I looked down at the cup in front of me, which I honestly hadn't noticed. I picked it up, twisted it this way and that, and then set it aside. "It's, uh, a little too hot. I'll just let it cool down."

If she was bothered by my demurral, she didn't show it. "That's okay! So... sorry, it's been a while. Do you have any questions? People usually did."

"First off, why am I here? Last thing I remember is an extreme close up of the living room carpet."

"Well, it's because... I'm never quite sure how to say this... but, you're dead." She took a sip of her own tea. "It's not quite official just yet, though." I leaned forward, elbows on the table because to hell with etiquette. "I would have thought I would have ended up at the Archangel's place," I said carefully.

"Oh, him." The word was full of unhappy petulant venom. "He takes people I find away, and now I can't find people anymore! I think he did something..." she shook her head. "Anyway, I kinda grabbed you because you looked interesting from your blog."

"...thanks?" I said, because just what are you supposed to say to that? "Where is this, anyway?" My gaze met that of the black beady eyes of a stuffed tiger lounging on a grandfather clock. "Can I leave?"

She bit her lip. "Um... well, it's kinda complicated. You're not officially dead yet, so I suppose you could. You'd go back into your body. Dunno if it would work." She gestured at my cup. "I think your tea's cooler now."

I dabbled a finger in it, and then wiped it on the tablecloth. "A little too cool, in fact. Sorry." I swirled it a little. "So I can leave anytime? Good to know. First, though... where is this?" I repeated.

"It's my house! It's got all sorts of things in it, and you can stay as long as you like!" She spread her arms out, clearly proud. I was... less enthused. But she was the host, and it paid to be on her good side. "It's a nice place," I offered. "Very... eclectic." Go on, was my unspoken tone.

"Wellll..." she stretched the syllable out. "Remember when you were asking me about that data and how I got it? It's because it was dead! When a thing dies, it comes here and there's a place for it in my house!" She performed another expansive gesture. The sheer randomidity of the item type and placement began to make a little more sense.

She tickled the bibbed table spider, and it silently curled around her fingers as if asking for more. I eyed it. "Get a lot of destroyed stuffed animals?" This seemed to shock her and she placed a hand to her mouth.

"They weren't stuffed when they were alive, silly!" She giggled, before noticing my neglected cup. "Oh, sorry!" She poured another one and slid it across to me. There was a little bit of fridge horror on my part, which she assuaded. I'll leave you to guess what it was.

"So why stuffed, then?" I asked once I'd calmed down. She cocked her head to one side thoughtfully.

"I dunno, I never really thought about it. Maybe it's only the 'essence' of the animal comes here?" She drew the koala into a hug. "Maybe it's so I can name them all! This is Marbles..." She put it down and  pointed at the spider and tiger. "These are Bumpy and Gerald. And this," she proclaimed, one hand resting on a stuffed elephant almost as high as the table, "is Xiomara!"

I blinked. "You name every single animal that dies?" Because seriously, who even has that much time. That much boredom. That many letter combinations. She nodded emphatically. "Mmhm! Say hi, Gerald!" The stuffed tiger gave something that sounded like a cough, before looking away and shifting to a more comfortable position. I looked from it to her. "So," I said. "This means you have my data somewhere as well."

"Your... oh, yeah!" She unclipped the flash drive I'd noticed earlier from her belt. "This is it, right?" I nodded. It was either it or a similar model. She tossed it up and down. "Well, it's mine now!~"

"What would you accept for it? I'm afraid I can't give you the other eye." I smiled.

"Well, um... I know!" She held up a finger. "You can have it if you beat me at riddles!"

I wasn't sure how good at riddles I was. I'd never really practiced. But this was the only chance to get this data or let it be lost forever.

"Deal!" I said.

This is a bit long. I'll post the second part later.


  1. All things considered, the Contessa doesn't let people die unhappy! I love riddles! "I run but I have never walked, I have a mouth but I have never talked, I have a head but I have yet to weep, I have a bed but I have yet to sleep. What am I?"

    As for how Veigar found you, dunno, but I can tell you that when I didn't have a set location, Kelevra beat the shit out of local proxies to get them to spill where they had last seen me. One of them was pHIL, come to think of it. So maybe that is what Veigar and Fracture did.

    1. Don't worry. When you die, we can play Go Fish together!

    2. People will already be playing Go Fish in the random canal my murderer throws my potentially partly-consumed or defiled dead body into.

      Hey, I know! You come up with a list of games, and I'll come up with a list of games, when I die, we meet and pick three off each other's lists and play them, OK?

    3. I found her because she advertises her house as a safe house and talks about her house on her blog. It's little more than a matter of going there and looking around.

    4. Just because she talks about it doesn't mean you can just waltz right in.

    5. No way would you find it if all you have to go on is Canterbury. It is not a park. It is a big place. I'd love to know how long it took you to comb through the Christchurch area. Hahaha.

    6. Not long. She's put away all the blaring things that use to make it easy to find but at the time that I did it, it was a simple, easy task.

    7. (@Sanna)

      Games? OK! How about Go Fish, and Chutes and Ladders.... and I really like Poker, too!

    8. Yeh, I like poker. Texas Hold 'Em, please?

      I also like pontoon. And Tag!

  2. Madame scientist is alive! Good news. These blogs would be empty. -- Jack

    1. I don't think I'm that influential. XD

    2. Not yet. But, it always is nice to see an update from you. -- Jack

  3. I'm glad you're alive...if you can call the existence we are plagued with living.

    1. Better question, can you call not being able to do anything at all as a corpse on the floor living?

    2. Dunno Fracture, how about I put a bullet through your skull and then you tell me the answer. Oh wait.


    4. @Owl City: What are you 8?

      @Sana: Caught in a land slide, no escape from slender man. Open your eyes. Look up at his face and seeeeeee....

      You're just a small child. You'll get no sympathy. Your life ain't easy no, its full of woe. Better run, better go.

      Anywhere you may go, he will always find you. You'll see.

      That came out more depressing than I would have liked it to have.

    5. Fractuuure
      I've killed a man
      Put a gun against his head
      Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
      Fractuuure, life had just begun
      But now I've gone and thrown it all awayyyy

    6. Saaaaaaaaannnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa, ooooh,
      I didn't mean to make you cry!
      But if you're back again this time tomorrow,
      you'd better run. God please run, because Father's coming for you.

    7. Buut, your father's time will come
      Our hope will never die
      Empires have to crash sometime
      Your Owner is a nuisance
      He's got to go
      Gotta leave proxies behind and face His death
      Fracture, ooo
      I don't want you to die
      But I will smash your owner's non-face against a walllll

    8. Pleeeeease, work on your poetry. Both of you! -{ (_*^*) }-

    9. How's this for poetry:

      We were singing a song
      You got in the way
      I hope you enjoyed
      Fucking up my day

    10. Eh. Whatever. You really botched that last set of stanzas. I think we might have overdone the bit.

    11. Was it the sometime / die rhyme?

      Have you peoples never heard of assonance????


    12. Don't you start doing that too. I am in no state to be cheering anyone up.

    13. OK then, Contessa and I will cheer each other up.

      I don't really mind you doing the combo breaker thing, Contessa, and I am very much looking forward to having tea with you when I die.

    14. Thank yoooou! {#} ^w^ {#} I'll watch for you and be sure to pick you up when you do! There's all sorts to things to discover in my house, too— I'll wait for you!

    15. Simple touch of happiness to brighten out the day. Life's a happy song when there's someone by your side to sing along~

    16. Oh, hooray! Now I don't have to worry about necrophiliacs or cannibals.

      What to wear, what to wear... well, whatever I died in. Oh noes. Ah well.

      Now we need to cheer Fracture up. Fracture, while I can't help directly, I'm going to try and keep thinking of ways someone could get food to you guys. Ways that are crazy enough to work. Hmm, I guess you guys are going to be needing that vitamin rich dry food stuff. Which could pass for dirt or vegetation. Hmm...

    17. Huh. Never got this comment response in the mail... awkward.

      Glad to know your thought are with me... or something.

    18. In other news, after being chased by a Convocation servant, I'm beginning to understand your hatred of birds and have been setting as many on fire as I can get away with.

    19. HAHAHA! YES. Fuck birds! Kill them all!

  4. Damn your alive, I was getting ready to send out a clean up crew... I mean medical team. Though it's nice to see you alive and well-ish, if you find you've acquired a couple of new puncture wounds in the night don't worry about them...... I'm joking ofcourse.
    -Librarian Perierat

  5. All these third parties popping out of nowhere, what the hell!? First that Pale Woman, now this Contessa girl, this is getting out of hand and partially I'm loving it.

    Glad to see you're alive, would be rather empty without your scinetifficy (Now it's a word, cause I said so!) explanations and stuff.

    Waiting for the next part.

    Oh also, have you, by any chances, been hearing any voices, ever since you got back?

    1. Third parties: because everyone wants their share of Chaos Crumpets, Destruction Doughnuts and Murder Milkshakes. Get 'em while they're fresh.

    2. Do you consider me a third party? -- Jack

    3. I don't have third parties, I have tea parties! K-)

    4. Sounds rather lovely. Oh, and Jack, as cool as you are, I would really consider anything not mortal or my prime target to be a third party. Or fourth and so on. I mean, as close as your agenda runs to our own, I always doubt whether people's agendas match unless survival is thrown in.

  6. Oh this is good. It would have been absolutely freaking terrible if you died. First off your pleasant, and secondly, you're the last scientist I can think of that's truly involved in this. Good to see you're alive Med, hope you feel better at some point in the near future.

    1. I've mostly recovered. Thanks, Linux. ^^;

  7. Wait...you injected the antibodies into YOURSELF! Really? Why did that cross your mind as being a good idea? Even using yourself to test Carter's left over antibodies would be stupid. ~ C

    1. I panicked a little, okay?

    2. 'A little'? Some of you really overreact. ~ C

    3. I tend not to do things by half measures.

    4. You still should have been more careful. Or else you would have 'won' for nothing. ~ C

  8. Interesting.
    The Black Forest seems to cause you trouble.
    At least you don't worship it.
    That's a plus.
    I think

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A Poetic runner. How cute! It seems that you've got a fixation on the Black Forest. Now, are you talking about the one in dreams, or the one in Germany. Cause let me tell you, they are of varying levels of badness for you guys.

    3. Hey, Harlow. Can you activate anon commenting on your blog? It'll make it easier on people like me. ~ C


    1. But what was the matter with it? She got to visit me! :D-}-<

    2. Once bitten, twice shy. I won't.

  10. Been a while. You still kicking?

    1. I think so! She hasn't been back yet. :)

    2. 'Course, just because she's alive don't mean much. Somebody may want to check in, see if she's OK.

    3. I sent Maggot and I was there myself not too incredibly long ago.

      I can confirm, Med is alive.

    4. Yup. Still alive. Compulsion is completely gone, which is why I haven't been posting. Sorry for worrying anyone.

  11. Worry? Who worries? ~ C

  12. House of the lost huh? Sounds like a bad sci-fi drama. Anyway, I hope you'll be ok.

  13. Hey Med. I assume you're still breathing. I found some files while on the other side, and most of them are written in sciencese. Tell me if and when you're interested in giving them a look through.

  14. So, I guess I've waited long enough. I'm assuming you won't be returning? By the New Year, I'll have to update your file. If you're still alive, stay safe. - Carter

    1. Honestly, I'm not sure. I've been given an opportunity few get; to get out, and get out clean. It's been recommended to me I take it.

      But I don't want to abandon others either. I need time to think.

    2. I wish I could do that. I'd recommend it as well. Perhaps, though, once I wrap up here, we could catch up over a cup of tea? I've grown a little fond of tea because of Doc and Sam.

    3. It's probably best you don't contact me, Carter. Getting sucked back in is all too easy.

    4. It is for the best. I've made a decision as well. One that means I won't be me anymore. I wish you well. Stay safe, and don't lose those files.

  15. So you are going, does your get out of jail free card include killing your pet proxy Black? Though I would think it's better to get out, get out and live.

    1. Black remains with me. He is not a pet, and no longer a proxy.

      This is quite possibly the last you'll hear from me. I've made my decision.

    2. Goodbye med. Hope you made the right choice.

  16. med may we talk when you have time?
