Tuesday 14 May 2013

Black: Behavioural Analysis

After taking his blood sample, I installed a microchip in Black. Now I can track him if he goes AWOL. You know, I’m surprised by the amount of times a Proxy’s had someone at their mercy only for them to escape and they hadn’t used something like this. It’s very handy.

…I should probably not have said that, should I?

In any case, I’ve untied him from the bed for good. That may sound like a bad idea, but I’ve got my ‘discouraging’ taser and the keys to a Very Locked House, and I've put away the knives and anything that could be used as an impromptu weapon. I’m not locked in here with him, he’s locked in here with me, to pull in an appropriate quote.

I bandanged his wrists; keeping someone tied up for any length of time can do a surprising amount of damage to the skin. Nothing exciting happened while I did so. He just sat there. “Black,” I said experimentally. He looked up blankly. Good, I thought. That’s something I can work with. I sat down next to him. He followed the movement. I leaned back against the wall. I waved a finger slowly in front of his face. His eyes tracked it. Good, again.

“Can you understand what I’m saying?” No response. “Do you remember anything?” Again, nothing. I sighed. Onto the next thing. One thing I’d found is he acts like a sleepwalker; still capable of doing things, just not there. You put food in front of him, he eats it, you show him where the toilet is, he uses it, you show him where the fridge is, he raids it. Today, I was performing an experiment to see the extent of this.

“Black,” I said, to get his attention again. I carefully placed two bowls  equidistantly  apart in front of him, each filled with a certain colour of (undrugged, seriously who has that kind of time?) skittles, one yellow, one blue. “You can have one, and only one.” Then I waited.

The clock ticked by. I just kept waiting and watching patiently, chin on hands. Roughly about fifteen minutes after I’d presented the choice, there was a slight flicker of… something, in his eyes, and a hand slowly reached out and dragged the yellow bowl towards him. Then he ate them in the same unpresent fashion as he had everything else. I smiled, and took the blue bowl. Experiment: success. Also delicious.

So I’ve been letting him run around the house. Well, I say run… it’s more like I walk into a room and he’s just there. He seems to have taken ‘creepily standing around and doing nothing’ lessons from his former Boss, and I must say he is a natural. There was one point where he flipped out at me (thanks for the warning, Tilde), but the taser soon put a stop to that. At another point about a day after that he suddenly started running, trying to get away from me. I let him. He found the front door was locked, fought with it a bit, went for the other, and fell over one of the tripwires. I heard the thud from where I was sitting reading in the lounge. “Are you all right?” I yelled over my shoulder. “You know, if you want to go out, just say.”

Apart from that, there has been minimal change from his standard state. I gave him art supplies, but he only used them once and then lost interest in them. What he drew was… odd. No words, no drawings of lack of faces, just  short thick, methodical lines in a pattern more curved than a circuitboard. More like a form of esoteric writing than an actual depiction. From the indentation in the paper, they’d been drawn with great deliberation.

Fracture also suggested I give him a book. I deliberated a bit, and decided that giving him the one I took my name from would not be a good idea. In the end, I gave him Terry Pratchett’s Night Watch. He opened it to the middle, and looked at it as if trying to absorb the words via osmosis. For about a half hour. I gave up, walked away to make dinner, came back with it and found him in the same position.

I also gave him the laptop to write on for a bit. This is what he wrote, while not looking at the screen. 

“iiuihd  dadnf  ddthh.kad.h . uhgra.haehu.ah rh. Dberabf fuahahuf a.urhoagaf hcaehnf jncann;pa. ae.kae vaf haehajde tt kjd me aaoyrihg ahnfut auy aijrhg aiuana eigghn aito f ache  ai a .hfr  aika.gh auhe.ghfa  uahtuieguyh e.fuiyha .g E ugPU#O44/oyU Y P$ ye uhoghou.3a 8Y/ATo y at3 Y8/A4EUI / AR, UIY HAPk rho2u3 yo/; Y3/P3Y86 #FCKY; 08/AYPA UYEH. OAQYP8O3Y.;/P.iy.autg33t uyu ,”

I kinda had to pull him away from it; he was smashing the keys pretty hard at the end there. Even broke a few. Fortunately the damage was mostly superficial. I think it was still more a case of the usual “Object in front of me > Use object” than actual conscious thought.

In other news, my new iPhone has arrived. :D


  1. Hmm. I kinda wonder how he'd react to a small living creature. Though not curious enough to ask you to find out. Don't want to risk any cute fuzzy creatures.


    1. Well, I do have some rats. I could find out if he likes rats.

    2. .........rats are cute. Don't let him hurt them

  2. I learned from experience. Thought I should pass it along.


  3. Seems like he's hibernating or something. Not operating on a conscious level. Possibly incapacitated with the loss of azoth as a guide, but that's pure speculation. Still, seems like proxies are pretty reliant on that stuff (at least, that's what I've gathered from Kelevtov's blog), so if they can't use it it might be like losing a crutch. Or, like, how I used to be able to do most multiplications in my head, but now I use a calculator a whole load more, and can't do the kind of mental math I used to.
    As I said, pure speculation. I have no real idea of what's going on. Still, if I'm right it would mean disrupting azoth's sentience (like how you made S lose cohesion using magnets) would do the same to proxies.

    1. Hmm... that makes sense. More things to test! :D

    2. Don't be senseless. You've all be exposed to Father. Anything that would disturb the Azoth in a proxy would do the same to a runner.

      No one is immune to be hollowed.

    3. True. I was getting messed up by the MRI at the end there. Still, we're less supceptible to it due to a lesser amount, so in a battle where magnetism's in play we have an advantage.

    4. Also, the azoth doesn't help us as much. At least, I don't feel much more fit than a regular person, and I definitely don't think or react faster. So getting the Azoth ripped out of us would probably sincerely fuck us up, but might not have the same long term effects. Indeed, if the Azoth in us is what's mindfucking us it could be beneficial in the long run.

    5. On the question of what Runner's azoth can do...

      Well, it lets us see the Slender Man in faceless form. That's practically the *definition* of a Runner. Everyone else sees 'some businessman' or nothing at all.

      There's also the bringing of wifi into locations that really should not have it. Which rates really low on the usefulness scale but is still something.

      There might be other things. Slightly quicker healing, less chance of infection, ability to recognize other Involved compared to the human baseline, but that's harder to prove as it's not very noticeable.

      On the other hand, it's not as much of a crutch for us as it is for some Proxies. Apart from the damage caused by it being forcibly ripped out, a Runner would probably be fine.

    6. I suppose I'd really need more details on what exactly happened to gargoyle to know for sure.

    7. If he survived detonating explosives all over himself, I'd sure like to know how.

    8. I'm a walking free wifi hotspot? That's one way to make friends I guess.

      Whereabouts is the azoth in Runners? Is it in our brains?

    9. Brains and blood, yes, in lesser amounts than in Proxies.

    10. Usually in lesser amounts. Mileage most certainly varies.

      And I wasn't referring to the suicide. I was referring to the incident of him being rebelling proxy that forgot everything and eventually rediscovered Father and became a runner again.

      Assuming I read all that right...

    11. That makes more sense. Yes, I think that's what happened; it's been a while since I read his blog. I believe it was deliberately done to him via some mechanism...

    12. It was certainly deliberately done to him. I can't even began to speculate if it was a device or a procedure or some force of will type thing.

    13. Aha! Tracked down the post.


      Modified 'cure', injected.
      Best guess for method is activation and upregulation of immune systems causing full body purge of azoth and a reset to 'factory settings'. With a higher than average chance of reexposure.

  4. You seem to know what you are doing to some extent.
    Hope father doesn't kill you.
    You seem nice.

    1. Aw, thank you. I'm not partial to being killed either.

  5. I think it would be wise to let Black leave.
    If you want to live that is.

    1. If he wants to leave, all he has to do is ask. I won't stop him. :)

  6. Uh, proxies don't put trackers on runners because that shit is expensive.

    You should give him his sword back. Bet that'll put a twinkle in his eye.

    1. Huh, and here I thought you were the side with the most dosh.

      Unfortunately, his sword is probably in an evidence locker somewhere, and was bent around the outside casing of the MRI. I might get him a new one, if he behaves.
