Monday 4 March 2013

Bad Dreams

...I feel like there should be an appropriate song lyric here, but nothing comes to mind.

Things have been a little hectic lately. Univerity started a while ago, and I'm not particularly inclined to let my studies slip since they're tangentially relevant to what I'm trying to do. I've also been gathering data, going in and out of electronics stores so often I think they know me by face now, and in general lamenting why I decided to do so many things at once. Oh, right, because I thought there wouldn't be enough time to do them all in a row. Well, that backfired. I am dog tired.

Part of it is the dreams. Again, this was not unexpected given the blogs I read, and again I was not prepared by reading them. The actual events tend to fade afterwards, but the locations generally stick. Mist covered pine forest. A rope bridge over a river in flood. Running on all fours in an unfamiliar suburb. A library that made perfect sense at the time but completely does not map with Euclidean space in hindsight. Literal rivers of blood, coming together to

That one woke me up at 3:33am, and I didn't go back to sleep again. The static of the clock radio was more an excuse than a reason.

Sometimes, Mr. Maxed Out Disconcerting Ogle is there, sometimes not, or at least unnoticed.

In any case, things will probably continue to be busy, so updates will be a little intermittent.


  1. Now that's a nickname I've never heard before.

    1. My theory is he's overcompensating for his lack of eyes.
